Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wishful Weds.... 3 mins.

'I wish' .... I could spend three minutes in Angelina Jolie's shoes!

Angelina is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Mom to 6. (!!!) Girlfriend to Brad Pitt. Humanitarian. She doesn't just encourage others to give their time and money, she acts on it! She's determined. She's compassionate. & She has a twisted dark side.

I often wonder, WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?

So, Angelina Jolie. She's my pick for this week's Wishful Wednesday.

“Only after we have lost everything, are we free to do anything... Throw things out there and not be perfect and not have answers to anything and see if people understand”

“People say that you're going the wrong way when it's simply a way of your own”

“If you ask people what they've always wanted to do, most people haven't done it. That breaks my heart.”

“That's the reason we kind of exist. It's like our Job. To give to each other. And learn from each other. To capture moments of people. So it's really strange to have somebody ignore the obvious human being right in front of them”

All Quotes are from Angelina. To join in on Wishful Wednesday, go HERE.

Monday, January 25, 2010

McFatty Monday. Round 2.

This week has not been too rough. I did have 2 cheat meals, though. One of them was at a fabulous buffet (Hemingways)... But, I did only have one plate and I included fruit. If we overlook the clam chowder, pasta, and apple cobbler then it was a nutritious meal.

Good news: I am down 3 lbs for the week.

Bad news: I only exercised once. One time. I get a giant thumbs down for exercise.

Goals for this week:
*Work out 3 days.
*Eat healthy, with the exception of 1 cheat meal.
*Spend at least 1 day walking with Sweet Cheeks. (Probably indoors because the weather this week is COLD.)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am a little bit late with this blog post. Mostly because Sweet Cheeks has been teething, has a cold, and is turning out to be quite the mama's boy. & Partially because instead of blogging, I have been spending my time giggling with, singing to, and tickling the sweetest baby I know.

HAPPY 6-MONTH DAY, SWEET CHEEKS! (2 days late...)


And now...

Mickey has quickly become the toy of choice for SC.

*He can roll over, both ways
*He can sit unassisted
*He has 2 teeth, with 4 more trying to make their way through
*He can crawl on his knees, and he also army crawls
*He eats "solids" (purees) 2-3 times a day

My little man just woke up from his nap, which means it's play time!
Have a great Sunday!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wishful Weds..... Gown

'I wish' .... I could have worn the gown that Penelope Cruz wore at the 67th Annual Golden Globes Award!

Click here to join in on Wishful Wednesday.

Monday, January 18, 2010

*McFatty Monday*

To catch up go here - Heir to Blair

This is my first week participating 100% in McFatty Monday. Last week I barely participated 18%... so this will be my 1st week!


*To work out 3-4 times this week.
*To eat healthy with the exception of 2 cheat meals.
*To take sweet cheeks for a walk 1-2 days this week depending on weather.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

So here's the thing -

I feel a little bit mislead by this post pregnancy weight loss issue.

I had a baby in the middle of summer. It was hot. I was hungry. I was tired. My ankles swelled up to 3 times their normal size. I looked like I stuffed oranges into my socks the day I delivered my son. I gained at least 50 lbs. Shamefully...

The first month I felt like a weight-loss all star. I lost 40 lbs the first month. I thought I was some kind of super-human baby machine. 40 down! Only 10 (ish) to go! High fives all around! Little did I know that my weight loss would end there.

I would be stuck with this extra 10 (more like 15-20) lbs that would.not.budge. I would also be stuck with this flabby bear clawed skin type material for a stomach. Awesome.

So, I feel a little mislead. No one told me about the bear stomach. No one told me I wouldn't continue to lose 40 lbs every month until I weighed less than Lindsey Lohan. NO ONE TOLD ME. (Yeah. Should have known, right?)

I'm telling you. Now you know.

Tomorrow begins the dreaded post-baby diet. For real this time. I am writing this post so that I am now accountable. I will be joining the McFatty Monday posts over at Heir to Blair. & By this summer, I will be in a swimsuit. Granted, probably a tankini... a swim suit none the less!

Here's to weight loss!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Dear Sweet Cheeks,

When did you become five and a half months old? I feel like just yesterday Daddy and I very carefully sat you in your car seat, and adjusted the straps at least 7 times, while the nurse at the hospital gave us the side-eye. I was certain in that moment that no one had ever been more nervous than I was. You looked so peaceful sitting there watching us. I could have never guessed that my love for you would multiply daily to point where I can't imagine it's possible to love you more than I do now. But, I will. Tomorrow.

Our first week at home, your favorite place to sleep was on my chest while I lay on the couch. You spent many morning this way... We would lay on the couch and cuddle for hours catching up on all of our favorite TV shows. (By "our favorite TV shows", I mean MY favorite TV shows. :)) It was during one of these early morning cuddle sessions that I was peed on for the first time. And pooped on. And puked on. Those moments hold a special place in my heart and it's hard for me to imagine that we will soon be retiring those moments for new ones more suitable for a growing boy.

You have no idea how overjoyed I was this morning when the only place you wanted to sleep was on my chest as I laid on the couch. This time, I left the TV off... I watched your little chest as you took a breath in... and a breath out... I watched the dimples on your cheeks as you smiled in your dream. I was enthralled by the shadows that danced across your face as the sun made its way into the sky. I held your little hands, miniature versions of Daddy's hands, as you slept.

These are the moments that although you will not remember them... They have made my life. & I couldn't be more excited to watch you grow. But, please slow down just a little bit, ok?

Love always,

So you're going to be a Boy Mom. (LOVE this)

Stolen... Erm. Copy & Pasted from this blog: Check it out!

So you’re going to be a Boy Mom…
December 31, 2009
I know that feeling, that excited but scared shitless feeling when the ultrasound tech tells you they see that extra bit of anatomy. “It’s a boy!” Your heart stops for a moment.

“But what will I do with a BOY?” you think to yourself, never daring to utter the thought out loud because, well, you *are* ultimately happy that it’s healthy… but… but… you don’t know how to raise a BOY.

You’re going to be a Boy Mom, and you’re going to be okay. In fact, you’re going to be great. You’ll love it so much that you’ll never be able to imagine NOT being a Boy Mom. It doesn’t matter that you LOVE being a girl, that you embrace every opportunity you get to dress up, do your makeup, get your nails done. It doesn’t matter that you much prefer shopping for shoes to browsing the sports store. Your love for all things zebra print, pink and soft does not mean you can’t and wont develop a love for “little man” clothes, toy trucks and OshKosh overalls paired with a toothy grin and muddy knees.

Being a Boy Mom means slobbery kisses and hugs that start with a running leap.

Being a Boy Mom means saving hundreds on clothes, even if only to spend that amount or more later in life on ER visits.

Being a Boy Mom means developing a keen eye for bugs and coming to terms with the fact that sometimes they can just be considered an extra helping of protein.

Being a Boy Mom doesn’t mean you won’t continue to be squeemish about things like spiders, it just means your squeels will be entertaining to the boy who taunts you by trying to eat one.

Being a Boy Mom means being the builder of block towers so big they lean and topple, leaving you both in stitches.

Being a Boy Mom means developing a very watchful eye while changing diapers, always on the lookout for that surprise pee stream attack.

Being a Boy Mom means having the pleasure of watching your son learn from his father, and then reminding his father that at a certain age they will start to repeat the F word, even if that F word is shouted at a TV during a sporting event.

Being a Boy Mom means you’ve been given the tremendous opportunity and challenge to raise someone who will grow up to be a respectful, loving and kind man. He may break hearts, but hopefully, with your guidance, he will do so gently, and ultimately he will make some lucky partner very, very happy.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm living in a snow-globe type of wonderland.

It's snow white as far as the eye can see. It's been snowing for 15+ hours with no signs of letting up. And, baby it's cold outside!

Here's the 5 month survey that I have gotten a teensy-weensy bit behind on...

Age - 5 months

Weight - 20 lbs

Height - 29 inches

Sleeping habit - He usually falls asleep around 6pm, wakes up at 12-1am for milk, the back to sleep until 5-7am.

Eating habits - Oatmeal for breakfast, Veggie for lunch, Fruit before bed with a little bit of oatmeal. Milk in between. He drinks Goodstart Protect Plus.

Cutest Moment of the Week - Sweet cheeks has learned how to army crawl to get where he wants to be. It's adorable!

Milestones - A few days ago I got him a sippy cup for "beginners" (Which according to the box is 6 months. So, we are 2 weeks early) He loves it! He gets 4oz of water in his big boy cup once a day.

Firsts - Army crawling & His sippy cup. He also has 2 bottom and teeth and almost 2 top teeth.