Friday, March 19, 2010

Things I didn't know until I became "Mommy".

- Pee can shoot 10 feet across a room.

- Hair doesn't need to be washed more than once a week. (I like it to be, but not a necessity)

- "Sleeping in" can mean 5am.

- Yoga pants, t-shirts and flip flops are perfect every day wear.

- The difference between a SwaddleMe and a Swaddle blanket.

- Always take an extra shirt with you when going out in public. You never know what might happen.

- 6 hours of sleep at one time is reason to celebrate.

- Poop stains t-shirts.

- & so do prunes.

- DO NOT WASH THE (favorite) BLANKET when it's close to nap time.

- The sweetness in a baby hug and (slobbery) kiss.

- Sometimes all you need is a 2 hour walk in the sunshine.

- It is possible for someone (Sweet Cheeks) to scream for 7 hours non-stop.

- How much love my heart can hold.

What have you learned since becoming a Mommy?


  1. I need to tack on at least an extra hour to my trip if I need to leave the house with the baby. I never realized how difficult it would be to just go to the store! Getting out of the house is no longer a priority for me :)

  2. I agree with the previous commenter. I know make sure to tack on extra time to get ready before leaving the house!

  3. Your little guy is SO cute! Love this list, so true! I didn't realize that I would always be Late to everything, especially now that I have 2 kids!
